Repurchase Offers
Important Repurchase Information below.
FNLR // Fortress Net Lease REIT
FCR // Fortress Credit Realty Income Trust
Financial Advisor Inquiries
833-694-0080, Option 1: Sales Desk
Individual Investors
Please reach out to your Financial Advisor.
Financial Advisors Information Request Form
All fields required
If you need assistance with access to either the Investors or Financial Advisors portals, please contact us via email at or by phone at 833-694-0080, Option 1: Sales Desk.
Financial Advisors Portal
This portal provides financial advisors access to client account information for Fortress Net Lease REIT (“FNLR”).
Investors Portal
This portal provides investors access to account information for Fortress Net Lease REIT (“FNLR”).
FNLR // Fortress Net Lease REIT
FCR // Fortress Credit Realty Income Trust